Mobile malware detection from inside out: protect your customers - XTN Cognitive Security

Mobile malware detection from inside out: protect your customers

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Android malware is on the rise along with the popularity of Android OS. Malware writers are using novel techniques to create malicious Android applications which severely undermine the capability of traditional malware detectors which are ineffective towards detecting these unknown malicious applications. One of the last malware discovered, dubbed Expensive Wall, has infected about 21 Millions of Android devices using as main injection channel the Play Store; it went unnoticed and proliferated through the official Google channel evading all built-in anti-malware protections with the use of advanced obfuscation techniques.
This is one more signal that even the Google Play Store is not safe as one could expect. With the use of MORE®, our mobile risk evaluator, you are now able, thanks to the new-brand malware engine feature, to detect anomalies also in terms of malware that might impact seriously on your service. But that’s not all, MORE® provides also categorisation of found malware allowing granular and incisive actions even before its activation. Furthermore, the use of advanced machine learning mechanisms present in our malware engine permit an high rate of detection of malware that still results unknown.
Well, this is the moment to protect your assets and businesses, call us and setup a demo!


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